Sometimes Sundays are a bit boring, don't you think? :/
Today I cleaned my bedroom and I had a funny webcam photo session
with my friend Dani (My mushi-chan♥ )
I really miss him when he went on holiday but now we talk more! :3
So I'm happy haha ^_^~
I can't wait to go to Barcelona soon! :3

I ♥ your eye contacts

Grrr.~ x3

Chopper x Kawaii Mushi (??) xD

We ♥ tails ! :3
What do you usually do on Sundays? ~
Tomorrow I will go to see the lists of the classes in the school with a Senpai of
2º of Bachillerato^^
I hope I meet a lot of new people ^___^~
1 comentarios:
mushii *_*
cmo hechaba de menos nuestras sesiones de cams x3
proximamente ali i dani pidiendo en el metro a son de kaze wo sagashite >.<'' xDDD