
Llaollao meetings〜

Today was a nice day!
I met my friends Dri and Sara
We had tea at Llaollao! *3* I love these kind of places!
Hahaha, I had to admit that I love sweet things >w<~

Adriana and Sara ate ice-creams ;3; I love them but
I was full because I ate too much e_é
And mine was a banana and strawberry milkshake !
Delicious too !★

We met some friends later: Ale, Ana and María~
We danced k-pop songs and made a lot of jokes! We didn't make
any photo of those moments but I haven't got words for them!
I laught a lot, because they're so funny! :)

I hope I have more thats like these ones!
I'm so happy! C:

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